
These pages showcase the amazing variety of rocks Victoria.

These pages are designed for non-Geologists but will be of great interest to Geologists and geology students. Some background knowledge of geology is needed to comprehend these pages, so if the words “anticline”, “granodiorite”, “Ordovician” or “turbidite” are foreign to you, I suggest you read over an introductory geology web page, visit Wikipedia or wait until I get around to adding one.

The pages are based on site visits made through working for various companies in Central Victoria, but especially from University field trips from the now extinct Geology degree from the La Trobe University Bendigo. The pages are roughly separated into field trips taken from a Bendigo base. A good day can be spent looking at the geology in the Bendigo area. Similarly, good day trips can be made to Heathcote and Castlemaine.

Field trip areas

Reference material

Link to reference material covering the topics listed below